The eczema or pigmentation of the lower limb, s skin was relieved remarkably. 小腿皮肤的湿疹或色素沉着明显减轻。
Increased pigmentation of the skin is common in Addison's disease. 增加色素沉着的皮肤是常见的艾迪生的疾病。
Marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes. 以黑色的头发、皮肤或者眼睛或者有比较多的黑色素沉着为特点。
Results The symptoms were disappeared and the ulcers were healed in all cases after operation. The eczema or pigmentation of the lower limb, s skin was relieved remarkably. 结果术后所有患者的症状消失,溃疡愈合,小腿皮肤的湿疹或色素沉着明显减轻。
In addition, cutaneous pigmentation is a major determinant of the cutaneous response to ultraviolet radiation, and consequently of the risk of developing skin cancer. 另外,人类皮肤的色素沉着是决定于皮肤对外辐射的反应,以及由此引发皮肤癌的重要因素。
The yellow pigmentation of the every experimental region skin included a process of ceiling first and dropping off then and there were difference about the peak values of yellowness and its corresponding day-age; 母肉仔鸡不同部位皮肤黄色素沉积均有一个先升后降的过程,不同部位的黄度峰值及其对应日龄有所不同。
Results: The results showed that the total incidence rate of side-effect induced by cosmetics was 26.2%, while the side-effect elicited by skin lighteners amounted to 10.3%. The adverse effect was mainly the itch, swelling, ache, pigmentation and vesiculation of skin. 结果:使用化妆品后,总副作用的发生率为262%,美白化妆品副作用的发生率为103%,副作用主要表现为:痒、红肿、痛、色素沉着及水疱。
The pigmentation of epidermis may influence the sensitivity of skin to ultraviolet-induced erythema reaction. 表皮中黑素含量会影响皮肤对紫外线的敏感性。
The melanocytes produce melanin and distribute it to neighbouring keratinocytes, therefore are responsible for the pigmentation of skin. 黑素细胞产生黑素,并将其输送到周围的角质形成细胞,从而影响皮肤的颜色。
The traditional approach is grafting autologous skin, which often results in heavy pigmentation and scarring in donor sites, and the amount of skin obtained by this method is limited for patients with large area skin injuries. 传统移植自体皮的治疗方法常常导致供皮区色素改变和瘢痕形成,而皮肤缺损面积较大时自体皮源不能满足移植的要求。